Monday, November 26, 2012

A Broken Shifter Changed My Life

Now remember that awesome blue SPECIALIZED ROCKHOPPER I was telling you about? It's my pride and joy. I know it's a basic bike, and I know I've outgrown it, but I can't bring myself to get rid of it! We've been through a lot!

Case in point... one of my first lunch time rides, my boss and I set out to climb the hills of Placerita Canyon. I was struggling like you won't believe. I kept thinking to myself... there is no way I am this out of shape. I chased my boss up the hill as fast as I could, mildly embarrassed with how long it took me to get there. Once I caught up with him, he looked at me sideways, and said, "Well no wonder you are having such a rough time, you climbed the hill in the hardest gear." I didn't know if I should have been proud or embarrassed. At least I wasn't as out of shape as I was beginning to think!

Running out of time, we headed back to the ranch (aka work). I called upon a co-worker, who knew a thing or two about bikes, and he took one look at it and told me my shifter was broken. Sad face! I just started riding my bike and it's already out of commission. Now, normally if something needed fixing I would call up ol' Dad and he would take care of it, but I knew it was time for me to start figuring all of this stuff out on my own. And I did. Yes!! My co-worker referred me to a sweet bike shop in Burbank called H&S Bicycles (check it out people... So I crammed my bike into the back seat of my car and headed over to H&S. Upon arriving, I was greeted by a vary handsome bike shop owner, Rob.

Long story short, I left with my mountain bike fixed, a sweet new road bike (with all the bells and whistles) and an amazing boyfriend. I think I did pretty good for myself!

The sweet new road bike

The handsome new boyfriend

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